Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Projects

At Decembers workshop with TheScrapbookStore, very talented designer Michelle Le Grue (here's her excellent blog) did a demonstration on how to create a very pretty string of Christmas Lanterns. Here it is, showcased on the Making Memories blog (here).

Normally, as much as I like a crafty project like this, I never seemed to find the time to actually do them. But low and behold, I did this time and was stupidly proud of my effort!

I've posted a few pics of my lanterns here - the pics aren't great, but in the flesh, I was very happy with the result.


  1. Wow you finished - mine are almost there (ready for next Christmas)!

  2. Thanks Maria - it's not like me to finish anything so quickly, usually takes a few years. Not sure what came over me :)


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